Category: Air Conditioning & Cooling

Should the Fan Be on When the Heat Is On?

Should the Fan Be on When the Heat Is On?

You might have noticed that your thermostat and ceiling fans have two to three settings. You also probably run a fan during summer but cut excess air circulation in winter. Should the fan be on when the heat is on? A1 Mechanical Heating & Cooling provides HVAC service in Dayton, OH. We’ll explain how your […]

Thermostat Not Turning On Heat? Here’s What You Need To Check

Thermostat Not Turning On Heat? Here’s What You Need To Check

Is that old thermostat not turning on heat when you need it to kick into action? Ohio winters can be brutal, with snowy weather and freezing temperatures. Having functional and fully responsive heating isn’t negotiable here, so when you turn your thermostat to “Heat” mode and your house stays chilly, don’t ignore the problem. A1 […]

How Do You Know If You Have a Heat Pump or an AC?

How Do You Know If You Have a Heat Pump or an AC?

Moving into a new building comes with many challenges, including knowing which kind of heating and cooling system the property uses. Unfortunately, many property owners don’t know details about the type of HVAC system they have, even after years of consistent use. So how do you know if you have a heat pump or an […]

Can a Power Outage Damage Your AC Unit?

Can a Power Outage Damage Your AC Unit?

Losing power can be frustrating since you’ll temporarily be without a working air conditioning system, but can a power outage damage an AC unit? The experts at A1 Mechanical specialize in HVAC repair in Louisville, KY, and are here to share all of the ways that power failure can affect your HVAC system. Discover everything you need […]

Why Is Your AC Not Blowing Cold Air in Louisville, KY?

Why Is Your AC Not Blowing Cold Air in Louisville, KY?

Is your AC unit not blowing cold air and making your home sticky and uncomfortable during the hottest time of year? This issue affects countless homeowners every year and has several causes that experts need to pinpoint. Before you schedule HVAC repair in Louisville, KY, find out the reasons why your unit might be malfunctioning and what […]

Does a New HVAC System Increase Home Value?

Does a New HVAC System Increase Home Value?

Whether you plan to sell your home or upgrade the property for your benefit, you might budget for a new HVAC system as part of your strategy. Like other property owners, you may prefer services that elevate property value. Does a new HVAC system increase home value? A1 Mechanical Heating & Cooling provides HVAC services […]

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